A Scientific committee has been appointed to carry out a Survey Judgement Verification and to advise the Chairman of Panel of Judges. The task is to appraise the questionnaire and marking scheme from the logistics industry perspectives and submit a scientific opinion to bridge any possible reality gaps exists in the statistical based survey results as to validate the final judgment in most fair and transparent manner.
Dr. Indra Mahakalanda – Head of Scientific Committee
PhD (NZ), MSc (UoM), BSc (Hons) Eng. (UoM), PGDip Marketing (CIM), PGDip (BCS), AMIE (SL). Senior Lecturer – Department of Decision Sciences, Faculty of Business, University of Moratuwa.
Ms. Lakshmi Ranwala
MSc in Applied Statistics (University of Colombo), BSc (Hons)in Applied Statistics, 01st Class (University of Colombo) . HOD – Department of Logistics and Transport. Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, CINEC Campus.
Mr. Sampath Siriwardena
PhD in Economics (Reading- University of Colombo), MBA (University of Colombo), BA 02nd Upper Class (University of Colombo), Head of Research – Tourism Unit, Department Economics, University of Colombo. Asst. Head of Department, Senior Lecturer– Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, CINEC Campus
Ms. Tharindi Amarathunge
M.Sc. in Financial Mathematics (Reading-University of Moratuwa), B.Sc. (Hons) in Mathematics, First Class (University of Sri Jayewardenepura), Lecturer in Mathematics, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, CINEC Campus.