
Meeting with the Vice Chancellor of University of Colombo
Meeting with the Vice Chancellor of University of Colombo. Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunaratne exchanging new books.
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Receiving the announcement of incorporating Shipping as a subject in schools in Sri Lanka
Reaching the pinnacle as a socially responsible academia. Receiving the announcement of incorporating Shipping as a subject in schools in Sri Lanka.
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Logistics and Transport National Excellence Awards and Scholarships – 2018
The official Awards ceremony of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Sri Lanka (CILT SL) organized with the intention of recognizing individuals and corporates,[...]
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Capacity building Workshop on Safe and Inclusive Transport – 19th September 2023
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific recently conducted the Subregional Capacity Building Workshop on Safe and inclusive transport in the[...]
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